The creepy things that we face at home and work are not only a danger to our health many times, but they also effect our wealth. With this in mind, we DO NOT just control the pests... we ask the questions: "Why are the pests present" and "How did they get in?" The answers to these questions are the key to protecting our customers and we get to the answers when you order a no-obligation inspection.



Inspecting your property is a lot like a safari, We go to the places we know critters and pests are known to hide, We look for signs of activity, places to hide, what they might eat and how they could get in. Starting with your concerns, we then expand our search to the attic where problems often go undetected. Checking for roof leaks, energy efficiency, damaged structural elements, obvious openings to the outside and signs of activity.

We then check the interior portions of your property where you live or work, Paying special attention to those "out of sight, out of mind" area's that could harbor pest or signs of moisture. We also take note of any repair issues we could address when we come to treat. That is convenience you just can not find from most companies you might deal with.

Onto the outside where we draw your structures outer walls. Taking note of landscape concerns we might need to correct, as well as investigating how water flows around the property. We look for damage and common issues that builders skip that could lead to infestations of one kind or another.

For structures with Crawlspaces under the floors, we dive right in for an even bigger adventure. While on the interior of a crawlspace building, we are checking for bouncing and sagging floors that could indicate damage or settling issues and verify the causes while under the floor system. Checking for moisture, signs of excessive water flow through the crawlspace and water leaks. Any damage, fungus growth or pest activity is identified and placed on your report.





Our reports are all electronically generated, in the effort to stay as green as we can in all that we do. We'll sit down at your table with everyone who needs to have input into your decisions and layout a comprehensive plan on how to keep you healthy and minimize attacks on your wealth (EQUITY) from all that nature can throw your way. Then scheduling your work around your life and work, to keep you focused on what is important to you.